Rhetorical Reading Response: “Beautiful Teenage Brains”
Image Source Denzell Moss Dr. Cantice Greene English 1102 4 October 2017 In the essay entitled “Beautiful Teenage Brains” (2011), David Dodds explores the adolescent mind process and how it compares to the functionality of an adult’s, particularly explaining why teenagers tend to take more risks than adults. The author develops and supports this theme by utilizing multiple examples of behavior, explaining that teenagers take more risks than adults due to the reward outweighing the overall risk of punishment. Dodds’ purpose is to inform the readers that teenagers are considered daring risktakers simply because they weigh risk versus reward different in order to provide clarity to the audience that adolescents utilize the same cognitive processing as adults, but react to different situations dissimilarly. The author’s intended audience is most likely directed towards adults who believe that teenager’s brain cognitive functionality is inferior to theirs, when, in fact, ar...